How to Determine If Your Outsourcing Partner Is the Best Fit for the Job

How to Determine If Your Outsourcing Partner Is the Best Fit for the Job

Organizations are outsourcing many business functions, from recruiting to purchasing to legal and compliance processes. In today’s tight job market, outsourcing can be an effective way to gain needed skills while allowing existing staff to focus on core business functions.

IT has long been a target for outsourcing, for multiple reasons. Many organizations consider it an essential but non-core function, and lack the in-house expertise to handle it effectively. The persistent and growing IT skills gap has added greater impetus to the outsourcing trend.

Outsourcing isn’t always cost-effective, however. Many organizations choose their outsourcing agency based on the lowest dollar amount. That doesn’t mean it’s going to cost less to get the work done. An organization may be able to hire three junior-level individuals for the same rate as one senior person, but it ends up taking more staff hours to accomplish the same work. Over time, it costs more and takes longer to complete projects.

The same thing happens with outsourcing. Just because a company has an aggressive bill rate doesn’t mean that the people there will be effective at meeting company objectives.

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Multiple Factors to Consider

There are a number of factors involved in determining if an organization has the right personnel — whether in-house or outsourced. A personal analysis looks at whether an individual has the knowledge, skill and ability to handle the tasks assigned to them. Personality tests examine interpersonal skills, determining whether the individual is more of a solo worker or works better in teams. Organizations need a balance of skillsets and personalities in order to perform effectively.

DeSeMa can perform these evaluations for both internal and external IT teams. The testing covers virtually every role within an IT department, including programmers and database engineers, network and system architects, security experts and operational and support staff.

We provide an objective look at whether in-house IT staff and outsourcing agents are technically capable, and how well agents interact with in-house IT personnel. It gives the organization a better understanding of the skillsets available internally and the skillsets that outsourcing partners bring to the table.

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Putting Together the Right Team

DeSeMa can highlight gaps where the organization should backfill specific personality types and technical capabilities. The objective is to increase throughput, shorten timelines and maximize the success rate of projects. The organization becomes better equipped to achieve business and IT objectives, meet SLAs, and ensure user and customer satisfaction.

Our testing and analysis also help determine if outsourcing agents are the best fit for the work assigned to them. Should the organization contract with a different outsourcing partner? Would it make more sense to hire than to outsource? Does the organization need to restructure to optimize workflows? What would the new structure look like?

Finally, DeSeMa can assess the value that the organization receives from the outsourcing contract. It could be that the lowest-cost proposal is actually costing the company more in the long run.

Outsourcing is a key business trend — and with good reason. By outsourcing non-core processes, organizations can overcome skills gaps and refocus efforts on driving the business forward. Many organizations choose to outsource IT functions, but success depends on a careful evaluation of technical and interpersonal skills and the cost structure of the outsourcing contract. DeSeMa can help organizations perform that evaluation and come away with the insight they need to make better outsourcing decisions.

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